Disciplinary Actions 2013 - Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies and Home Inspectors
12-REA-62 Olusegun Ajayi (#12288) Ordered to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, 15-hour Residential Appraiser Site Valuation and Cost Approach course, and a 15-hour Residential Sales Comparison Approach Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-2(e), 1-3(a), 1-4(a), 1-4(b), 1-6(a), 2-1(a), 2-1(b) and the Competency Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
09-REA-52 Labby Akinsanmi (#11082) Revocation for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(xiii) and COMAR as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(b) 1-1(c), 1-2(e)(i), 1-4(a), 1-4(b)(i), 1-6(a), 2-1(a) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
12-REA-69 James Audas (#30002) Civil Penalty of $2,500 and Order to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-4 (a), 1-4(b), 2-1(a), 2-1(b) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
08-REA-20 and 08-REA-25 John Battiste, (#20374) Civil Penalty of $2,500, Reprimanded and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(iii)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and COMAR as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(b) and (c), 1-2(e)(i), 1-4(a), 1-6(a), 2-1(a) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
13-REA-89 Jane Brinson (#3714) Civil penalty of $2,500 and Order to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(iii) (x)(xi) (xii) and (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 2-3, 202(b), and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal; and failure to disclose the name and contribution of an individual who provided significant assistance in the report.
11-REA-86 John Brown, Jr. (#20473) Civil penalty of $3,500 and Ordered to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1))(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and COMAR as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b) 1-1(c), 1-2(c), 1-2(e), 1-2(g), 1-4(a), 2-1(a), 2-1(b), 2-1(c), 2-2(iii), 2-2(x) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
10-REA-69 Thomas Brown (#10109) 90-day license suspension for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(xii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-4(a), 1-6(b), 2-1(a) and (b), 2-2, 2-2(a), and 2-2(b), and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal; and failure to disclose the name and contribution of an individual who provided significant assistance in the report.
11-REA-37 John Christ (#7602) Civil penalty of $2,500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
11-REA-16 Donald Clark (#5366) Civil penalty of $2,000and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and USPAP Standards Rules 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-4(a), 1-6(a), and 2-1(a) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
11-REA-73 Brian Coester (#28159) Civil penalty of $7,500, Reprimand, and Ordered to complete a 30-hour Basic Appraisal Principles Course and a 30-hour Basic Appraisal Principles Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)&(xiii), as well as USPAP Standards Rules 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-2(c)(iv), 1-2(e)(i), 1-4(a), 1-5(a), and 2-1(a) and (b).
13-REA-37 Michael DeChant (#416) Civil penalty of $2,500 for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-511 and COMAR for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
12-REA-20 Lawrence Dobrovolny (#20442) Reprimanded, civil penalty of $1,000 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)&(xiii), as well as USPAP including the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule and Standards Rule 3-1(c), (d), (e), (f), and (g); and 3-2(d) and (e).
09-REA-60 Christian Fitzpatrick (#27815) Reprimanded, civil penalty of $1000 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi) & (xiii) and USPAP Standards Rules 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-2(e), 1-5(a), and 2-1(a) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
09-REA-57 and 10-REA-03 Colin Fonmedig (#12766) Civil penalty of $10,000 for violating BOP Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x),(xi),(xii) and (xiii), 16-208(a)(1) and (b) and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-3(a), 1-4, 1-4(a), 1-6(b), 2-1(a) , 2-1(b), and 2-2(b)(viii) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP.
13-REA-54 Timothy Hackerman (#1494) Civil penalty of $500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-511 and COMAR for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
12-REA-12 Daniel Hill (#12711) Civil penalty of $1,500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) and (xiii), as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-2(c), 1-2(e)(i), 1-2(e)(iv), 1-4(a), 1-4(b), 2-1(a), 2-1(b), and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
12-REA-65 Melvin Hinkley (#1506) Civil penalty of $2,500 and Ordered to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(iii) (x)(xi) (xii) and (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 2-3, 202(b), and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal; and failure to disclose the name and contribution of an individual who provided significant assistance in the report.
13-REA-36 Steven Homer (#20221) Civil penalty of $1,500 for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-511 and COMAR for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
13-REA-23 Robert Hruz (#1124) Civil penalty of $8,500, a one-month suspension, and ineligible to supervise trainees for a period of five years for violating, BOP, Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §§16-701(a)(1)(i)(iii)(x)(xii) and (xiii); and USPAP Standards Rules 2-2, 2-3, and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for fraudulently or deceptively obtaining or attempting to obtain a license or certificate for an applicant, licensee, certificate holder, or for another; committing an act or making an omission in the provision of real estate appraisal services or certified real estate appraisal services that is an act of dishonesty, fraud, or misrepresentation; failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal; for failure to disclose the name and contribution of an individual who provided significant assistance in at least 20 appraisal reports, and then altered the 20 reports to include the significant assistance and provided them to the Commission.
13-REA-90 Stewart Jarrett (#10842) Civil penalty of $1,000 and Ordered to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for using photographs in an appraisal report that were from Google Maps and not taken personally by him in the preparation of an appraisal report.
09-REA-26 George King (#20288) Reprimanded for violating, BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x), for failure to exercise reasonable diligence in the development of an appraisal.
09-REA-55 Lungchiang Liu (#11982) Civil penalty of $2,500 for violating, BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-208(a)(1) and (b) and §16-701(a)(l)(x), (xi), (xii) and (xiii) and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rules 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-2(e)(i), 1-4, 1-4(a), 1-5(a), 1-6(a), 1-6(b), and 2-1(b) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence in the development of an appraisal.
13-REA-52 Gary Martin, (#12541) Civil penalty of $2,500 and Order Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xii) &(xiii), and USPAP Standards Rule 2-3 for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal.
13-REA-61 Boris Maslow (#27565) Civil penalty of $2,000 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-511 and COMAR for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
13-REA-18 John Meiser (#12783) Civil penalty of $1,500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) and (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-2(e)(i), 1-4(a), 1-4(b), 2-1(a) and (b) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
13-REA-15 and 13-REA-30 Charles Moore (#20644) Civil penalty of $4,000 ($2,000 for 13-REA-15 and $2,000 for 13-REA-30) and Ordered to complete a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1) (x)(xi) (xii) and (xiii) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal; for failure to disclose the name and contribution of an individual who provided significant assistance in the report.
13-REA-55 Mark Plogman (#334) Civil penalty of $500 for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §§16-309, 16-701(i), (xii) and (xiii) and COMAR and for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
11-REA-39 Justin Robertson (#20589) Civil penalty of $1,500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a)(1) and (b), 1-4(a), 2-1(a) and (b) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP.
12-REA-08 Justin Robertson (#20589) Civil penalty of $1,500 for violating, BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-208(a)(1) and (b) and §16-701(a)(l)(x)(xi) and (xiii) and USPAP Standards Rules 1-1(a), 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-4(a) 2-1(a), 2-1(b) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
13-REA-60 Barbara Romagnano (#4920) Civil penalty of $2,000 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-511 and COMAR for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
13-REA-34 Richard Shillenn (#11782) Civil penalty of $5,000 and license suspended for 30 days for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §§16-309, 16-701(a)(1)(i), (xii) and (xiii) and COMAR and for failure to demonstrate compliance with a continuing education audit.
10-REA-117 Jacquelin Sonceau (#12316) Civil penalty of $2,000 and Ordered to complete a 15-hour Residential Appraiser Site Valuation and Cost Approach Course, and a 30-hour Residential Sales Comparison and Income Approach course violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii)&(xiii) and USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-4 (a), 1-4(b), 1-5(a), 1-5(b), 1-6(a), 2-1(a) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
12-REA-29 David Wayne Taylor (#2450) Civil penalty of $1,250 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course, for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) and (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(a)(1) and (b), 1-4(a), 2-1(a) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
12-REA-63 Peter Thompson (#6790) Civil penalty of $500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xii) & (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(b), 1-1(c) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal.
12-REA-77 Kim Volynsky (#12516) Civil penalty of $1,000 for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi) (xii) & (xiii), and USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(c) for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
08-REA-05 Francis Welsh, (#2710) Surrendered license for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x((xi) & (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rule 1-1(b), 1-1(c), 1-4(a), 1-4(b)(ii), 1-6(a), 2-1(a) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rule of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.
13-REA-19 Lingard Whiteford (#20446) Paid restitution of $350 to complainant for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(x)(xii) & (xiii), and BOP §16-312(b)(1) and COMAR
12-REA-26 Ki Song Yi (#11859) Reprimanded, civil penalty of $2,500 and Ordered to take a 15-Hour National USPAP Course for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §16-701(a)(1)(iii)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii) and USPAP Standards Rule 2-2(b)(vii) and 2-3 for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal; and failure to disclose the name and contribution of an individual who provide significant assistance in the report.
12-REA-17 James Yoon (#28818) Civil penalty of $1,500 for violating BOP Art., Annotated Code of Maryland, §§16-208(a)(1) and (b) and 16-701(a)(1)(x)(xi)(xii) & (xiii), and COMAR, as well as USPAP Standards Rules 1-1, 1-2(c), 1-2(c)(iv), 1-5(a) and (b) and 2-1(a) and (b) and the Conduct Section of the Ethics Rules of USPAP for failure to exercise reasonable diligence to develop, prepare or communicate an appraisal; and being negligent or incompetent in developing, preparing or communicating an appraisal.