Welcome to the Maryland State Athletic Commission - Sports Agents Public Query

Select Search Criteria
You may search for active licensees practicing in the State of Maryland as follows:

  • By Name (Last Name, and optionally, City Name)

Note: Please contact us if you need information regarding disciplinary actions against a licensee.

If you have any questions about performing the search or the results you receive, you may contact the Maryland Board of Maryland State Athletic Commission, Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, at the following telephone numbers: 1-888-218-5925 (toll free) or 410-230-6223 (Baltimore area).

Please direct any questions about the Board of Maryland State Athletic Commission to baypilot@dllr.state.md.us.
Please direct any questions about Occupational and Professional Licensing to op@dllr.state.md.us.
Questions or comments regarding the DLLR website may be directed to webmaster@dllr.state.md.us.

Updated November 27, 2017