The Maryland Apprenticeship Locator is designed to help you find apprenticeship opportunities near you. This locator includes only the programs that are currently seeking to hire apprentices. Please check back regularly as new opportunities may become available.

Note: The Maryland Department of Labor does not place individuals into apprenticeship programs. Sponsors and/or employers hire apprentices directly. You must contact the apprenticeship program sponsors directly to find out the application requirements.
Select the county or counties where you are interested in working as an apprentice.
Counties*:  View Map
Please select the type or types of apprenticeship in which you are interested in working. Regular apprenticeships are generally available to individuals 18 years of age and older. Youth apprenticeships are available to high school students in certain counties through their school system.
Type of Apprenticeship*:
Would you like to search by occupation, industry or sponsor? Please select one. You will be able to narrow your selection from all of the available occupations, industries or sponsors after you select the CONTINUE button.